Jasmine Essential Oil-20ml

Jasmine Essential Oil-20ml




  • Anti Depressant: The aroma of this oil has a pleasing, uplifting effect on mind and fights depression. This makes you feel happy and awakens romantic and poetic feelings in you.
  • Anti Septic: It is a very good anti septic and disinfectant. Its constituents like Benzaldehyde, Benzoic Acid and Benzyl Benzoate have very effective germicidal, bactericidal, fungicidal and anti viral properties. When externally applied on wounds, it prevents it from being septic and effectively checks infection from tetanus.
  • Anti Spasmodic: Jasmine Essential oil is good in treating and relaxing spasms. It gives quick relief from spasmodic coughs, cramps, congestions, asthma, breathlessness and even spasmodic cholera as well as intestinal cramps and pains resulting from spasm.
  • Aphrodisiac: Actually it is the Aphrodisiac property of Jasmine Essential Oil that makes you feel romantic. This oil brings you in mood for love and also enhances your libido.It also helps cure problems such as premature ejaculation, frigidity, impotency etc.
  • Cicatrisant: Worried about the scar marks, after spots left by boils, acne, wounds, pox etc.? Give a try to Jasmine Essential Oil. Being a Cicatrisant, it can help fading away of those scar marks and after spots. It can also help you against those fat cracks.
  • Expectorant: The expectorant property of Jasmine Essential Oil can help you have a better and sound-less sleep even when you are suffering from cough and cold. It gives relief from cough by helping clear the accumulation of phlegm in the respiratory tracts as well as from snoring by clearing congestion of nasal and respiratory tracts. 
  • Emenagogue: This property is meant to give relief to those women who suffer from irregular, obstructed and painful menses or an untimely menopause. The emenagogue property of Jasmine Oil makes periods regular, clear and less painful and also help push back menopause. It also gives relief from the other problems associated with menses such as fatigue, annoyance, nausea etc.
  • Galactogogue: It increases milk secretions from breasts and is thus very good for lactating mothers and the feeding babies. This property also helps protect from breast tumors or breast cancer.
  • Parturient: This Essential Oil of Jasmine facilitates and eases birth and reduces labor pain. This feature can be very beneficial in today’s scenario when a normal delivery is a rare sight and most of the cases are resolved through Caesarian method.
  • Sedative: It calms down body, mind and soul and brings forth your positive and constructive emotions. It gives relief from anxiety, stress, annoyance, anger and depression as well as from inflammations.
  • Uterine: This oil is good for uterine health as it tones it up and promotes flow of certain hormones which ensure good health and proper functioning of uterus. It also helps protect it from tumors, particularly after menopause, by restricting flow of estrogen.
  • Other Benefits: It is good for skin and keeps it smooth and free from cracks. It can be used to free people from narcotic and other addictions. It also cures muscle pain
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